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스포어Spore v1.04 패치

판다(panda) 2009. 7. 13. 00:02
한동안 스포어를 안하고 있었더니..
새로 패치가 나왔군요..

패치 내용은 아래와 같습니다.. 영문;..

* Buildings have high quality textures in the game like they do in the Editor, if display settings are on High.

* Fixes occasional corrupted backgrounds on Sporepedia Cards.

* Includes ongoing improvements in animation to be more responsive to weapons placed anywhere on a Creature's body.

* Increases the number of "charges" of Space Tools Player can purchase in a single transaction.

* Increases the range and damage for turrets defending against enemy spacecraft

* Enables Player to reach all Grox worlds

* Fixes a bug with the Terraform Tutorial Mission not being complete-able for all planet T-Scores by giving four basic tools to change score in any direction.

* Improves general performance across the entire game

* Improved searching in Sporepedia

* Allows download of creations from website directly to game

* YouTube movies publish as private

스포어피디아 수정 및 검색 강화.. 포탑 범위 증가.. 그록스 지역 중 못가던 행성 갈수있음..
게임 전체의 일반적인 성능향상.. 등등이네요..