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스포어Spore v1.03 PLUS 26 TRAINER

판다(panda) 2009. 6. 15. 00:02

Spore v1.03 PLUS 26 TRAINER  입니다..

도저히 답이 안나와서.. 어쩔수 없이 사용하게 되었습니다..
크리처 단계에서 어떻게 에픽 몬스터를 죽이라는건지..
방랑자를 파티로 덤벼 들었지만.. 에픽 몬스터에게는 누구든지 한방..
5단계 발사 무기를 들고.. 도망가면서 계속 쏘고 뺑뺑 돌았지만.. 700 까지 깎았는데..
허기져서.. 점점 에너지가 떨어져서.. 잠깐 먹이 먹으러 간 사이에..
에픽 몬스터는 다시 에너지 1000..
너무 너무 짜증나서.. 트레이너를 찾았는데.. 되는건 이거 한개 더군요..
물론 정품 아니신 분들은.. 그냥 돌아 다니는 것 써도 될 것같은데..
저는 정품에 업데이트 패치까지 되어있는 상태라.. 이것 밖에 안되더군요..

다른 분들을 위해 올려 드립니다..


          Release Date [ 05/27/2009                        

          Release Size [ 1x5.0mb         Platform  [ Win2k/XP/Vista        

          Release Type [ Trainer         Game Type [ Strategy   

                                           Supplier  [ iSO:    RELOADED   

                                                       UPDATE: BAT         


         If you are running Windows Vista, please make sure to run the
         trainer in administrator mode.
         To do so, Right click the trainer -> Properties -> Compatability and
         choose to run it as administrator.
         Please also be careful with modern firewalls. They now also have
         several protections against code injection which is needed for a
         trainer to work. Make sure you disable it while playing or it might
         stop the trainer from running.
             #    Hotkey              Option
                  F1                         Enable Cell Stage
             1    NUMPAD1             Toggle Infinite Health
             2    NUMPAD2             Toggle One Hit Kill
             3    NUMPAD3                    Evolute
                  F2                         Enable Creature Stage
             1    NUMPAD1             Toggle Infinite Health
             4    NUMPAD2             Toggle No Hunger
             5    NUMPAD3             Toggle Instant Ability Cooldown
             3    NUMPAD4                    Evolute
             6    NUMPAD5                    Instant Kill
             7    NUMPAD6             Toggle Zoom Modifier
                  F3                         Enable Tribal Stage
             1    NUMPAD1             Toggle Infinite Health
             4    NUMPAD2             Toggle No Hunger
             5    NUMPAD3             Toggle Instant Ability Cooldown
             8    NUMPAD4                    Add Food
             6    NUMPAD5                    Instant Kill
             3    NUMPAD6                    Evolute
             7    NUMPAD7                    Zoom Modifier
                  F4                         Enable Civilization Stage
             9    NUMPAD1                    Add Sporebucks
             10   NUMPAD2             Toggle Massive Geyser Production
             11   NUMPAD3                    Economic Buy City
             12   NUMPAD4                    Military Capture City
             13   NUMPAD5                    Religious Convert City
             7    NUMPAD6                    Zoom Modifier
                  F5                         Enable Space Stage
             14   NUMPAD1             Toggle Infinite Spaceship Health
             15   NUMPAD2             Toggle Infinite Spaceship Energy
             16   NUMPAD3                    Add Space Budget
             17   NUMPAD4                    Add Allied Forces Slot
             2    NUMPAD5             Toggle One Hit Kill
             18   NUMPAD6                    Planet TerraScore 0
                  NUMPAD7                    Planet TerraScore 1
                  NUMPAD8                    Planet TerraScore 2
                  NUMPAD9                    Planet TerraScore 3
             19   NUMPAD0             Toggle Diplomacy Bonus
             20   F6                  Toggle Infinite Mission Time
            21   F7                  Toggle Infinite Items
             22   F8                  Toggle Increase Travel Distance
             23   F9                  Toggle Freeze Spaceships
             24   F10                 Toggle Unlock Badges
             25   F11                        Get Massive DNA Budget
             26   F12                 Toggle Increase Complexity
         Please note that this trainer works a bit different than others.
         Before you can use any of the hotkeys, you will first need to enable
         the appropriate Stage Enabler (F1-F5).
         So if you are in the Space Stage, press F5 so you can use all
         hotkeys for this stage.
         Cell Stage
         NUMPAD1 - Infinite Health
         Your cell will get infinite health and won't die when an enemy hits
         NUMPAD2 - One Hit Kill
         Attack any cell and it will instantly die.
         Please note that its sometimes possible that you cannot kill enemies
         that are bigger then you. If you encounter this problem, just
         disable this option.
         NUMPAD3 - Evolute
         Press the button and eat a green plant (if your cell is a herbivore)
         or red meat (if your cell is a carnivore) to evolute.
         Creature Stage
         NUMPAD1 - Infinite Health
         Your creature will get infinite health and won't die when an enemy
         hits it.
         NUMPAD2 - No Hunger
         Your creature doesn't need to eat anymore.
         NUMPAD3 - Instant Ability Cooldown
         The consequence ability of your creature will instantly be available
         after you have used it.
         The ability names are: Siren뭩 Song, Summon Flock and Raging Roar.
         They depend on the type of the creature you have.
         NUMPAD4 - Evolute
         Press this hotkey to evolute some steps. To see the actual evolution
         progress, you may need to earn a little DNA yourself or hunt/befriend
         an alpha creature.
         NUMPAD5 - Instant Kill
         Hover your mouse over any creature, press this hotkey, and it will
         instantly die.
         NUMPAD6 - Zoom Modifier
         Press this hotkey to increase the zoom range. You will actually be
         able to scroll out much enough to see the whole planet.
         Tribal Stage
         NUMPAD1 - Infinite Health
         Your tribe will get infinite health and won't die when an enemy hits
         NUMPAD2 - No Hunger
         Your tribe doesn't need to eat anymore.
         NUMPAD3 - Instant Ability Cooldown
         The consequence abilities of your tribe will instantly be available
         after you have used them.
         The ability names are: Refreshing Storm, Flying Fish, Traps,
         Fireworks, Beastmaster and Firebombs.
         They depend on the type of the creature you have and on your actions
         in the cell and creature stages.
         NUMPAD4 - Add Food
         Add your tribals food.
         NUMPAD5 - Instant Kill
         Hover your mouse over any rival tribe member, press this hotkey, and
         it will instantly die.
         NUMPAD6 - Evolute
         Press this hotkey to evolute some steps. To see the actual evolution
         progress, you may need to conquer or ally with other tribes.
         NUMPAD7 - Zoom Modifier
         Press this hotkey each time you wish to increase the zoom range.
         You will actually be able to scroll out much enough to see the whole
         Civilization Stage
         NUMPAD1 - Add Sporebucks
         Instantly adds sporebucks.
         NUMPAD2 - Massive Geyser Production
         All spice geyser which are under your control will give you a huge
         You can disable this option, right after you have used it and re-use
         it anytime a geyser is running out of spice.
         NUMPAD3 - Economic Buy City
         You will first need to propose a trade route and make at least one
         trade with the city. That way the progress bar will appear, which
         indicates how much trade is left to unlock the 'Buy City' mode.
         After you've done this, enable the option, and left-click the city
         you want to affect. Make sure to hover your mouse over the city hall.
         NUMPAD4 - Military Capture City
         You will first need to attack the enemy's city hall. That way the
         progress bar will appear, which indicates how long you need to
         attack, until it's destroyed.
         After you've done this, enable the option, and left-click the city
         you want to affect. You might also need to attack it for just
         another second. Make sure to hover your mouse over the city hall.
         NUMPAD5 - Religious Convert City
         You will first need to select one of your vehicles, right-click the
         city you want to convert and select 'Convert City'.
         When the converting starts, the progress bar will appear.
         After you've done this, press this hotkey and the city will be
         converted. You might also need to convert it for just another second.
         Make sure to hover your mouse over the city hall.
         NUMPAD6 - Zoom Modifier
         Press this hotkey each time you wish to increase the zoom range.
         You will actually be able to scroll out much enough to see the whole
         Space Stage
         NUMPAD1 - Infinite Spaceship Health
         Your spaceship cannot be destroyed when an enemy attacks it.
         NUMPAD2 - Infinite Spaceship Energy
         Your spaceship won't run out of energy anymore.
         NUMPAD3 - Add Space Budget
         Add sporebucks to your current space budget amount.
         NUMPAD4 - Add Allied Forces Slot
         Adds one allied forces slot (shown on the right of the screen).
         NUMPAD5 - One Hit Kill
         Kill any spaceship with one hit.
         NUMPAD6 - NUMPAD7 - NUMPAD8 - NUMPAD9 - Planet TerraScore 0/1/2/3
         Go to the planetary level of a planet and press one of these hotkeys
         to change the terrascore.
         Please note, that if you want a planet to stay on T1/2/3, you will
         still need to stabilize the environment by populating it with
         species taken from other worlds.
         NUMPAD0 - Diplomacy Bonus
         Enable this option to get a diplomacy bonus for all other alien
         races. All negative values will be cleared. You will now be able to
         make trade routes or ally them even if you have been at war with
         F6 - Infinite Mission Time
         When you get timed missions from other species, enable this option
         and you won't run out of time.
         F7 - Infinite Items
         You will get infinite items. This option includes Socialization,
         Weapons, Colonization, Planet Atmospheric Tools and Cargo Items.
         F8 - Increase Travel Distance
         Go to the planetary level of a planet and enable this option. Then
         scroll out to the planetary orbit view. The travel distance (pc) of
         your spaceship will be increased. It doesn't matter which
         interstellar drive your ship has.
         F9 - Freeze Spaceships
         Enable this option in the planetary level of a planet and all
         spaceships in your range will freeze or move very slowly.
         F10 - Unlock Badges
         Go to the badges screen, enable this option and leave the screen
         again to unlock some badges. After the unlocking stops, just enter
         and leave the badges screen again.
         Disable the option, after there are no more badges to unlock.
         F11 - Get Massive DNA Budget
         Enable this option in the creator screens and buy/sell something to
         get the points.
         F12 - Increase Complexity
         Enable this option in the creature creator. This option supports the
         complexity of the Creature Creator inclusive all sub-creators (Early
         Creature Creator, Creature Creator, Tribal Outfitter, Civilization
         Outfitter and Space Outfitter).
         Install Notes
         1. Unpack the release with WinRAR or equivalent
         2. Run the trainer from any directory
         3. Launch the game
         4. Toggle desired Options on/off

요건 스포어 치트키입니다.. 컨트롤 + 쉬프트 + C 를 누르고 사용하시면 됩니다..

addDNA - DNA점수 150점을 추가합니다.

refillMotives - 체력 및 허기를 회복합니다.

moreMoney - 돈이 증가합니다.(문명시대이상)

unlockSuperWeapons - 슈퍼무기를 활성화합니다.(문명시대이상)

spaceCreate - 창조기의 모든 기능을 활성화합니다.

freeCam - 게임화면의 시점제한을 해제합니다.

setConsequenceTrait [trait name] - 창조물의 특성을 재조정합니다. (막대가로[]안에 아래에 있는 각 보기들을 입력하여 사용합니다.)
cell carnivore

SetTime [1-24],[0-59] - 게임내 시간 재조정 (조정한 시간에 따라 게임플레이가 유리해진다는데, 저는 잘...;;)

capturePlanetGIF - 행성사진을 GIF파일로 출원합니다. (자신이 선택한 행성의 회전식그림을 AnimatedAvatars폴더에 저장합니다.)

toggleCaptureUI - 사용자지정경로에 사진을 저장합니다. (지정경로설정이 없으면, 이 치트키는 활성화되지 않습니다.)

styleFilter -filmNoir : 흑백/단색배경으로 전환합니다. (스타일필터에 관련된 콘솔키인데, 그닥 쓰실일이 없을 겁니다.;;)

styleFilter -oilpaint : 유화/유채화(기름그림? --;;)배경으로 전환합니다. (위와 같음)

stylefilter -none : 위에서 조정된 스타일필터들을 표준으로 재조정합니다.

Killallhints - 모든 게임힌트를 제거합니다.

help - 콘솔명령코드(치트키)의 목록을 만듭니다.

help [command] - 콘솔명령코드(치트키)의 활용/사용법을 목록합니다.

help -full : 위와 같은 사항을 더욱 구체적으로 목록합니다.;;

quit - 윈도우즈로 나갑니다.