티스토리 뷰
요즘 제가 열심히 하는 스맥다운 VS 로우 2008 입니다.
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PCSX2 라는게 있기에.. 컴퓨터로 돌려보다가.. CAW 좀 만들기 위해..
찾다찾다가 제가 생각하기에 좋은것만 올립니다.
출처는 http://caws.ws 이고, 제가 올린것 말고도 정말 많은 캐릭들이 있습니다.
어떤 분은 마벨에 나오는 캐릭터들을 만들었더군요..
스파이더맨, 아이언맨, 헐크, 싸이클롭스 등등 잘만드셨더라구요..
평점 8점 이상인것들로만.. 올렸습니다. 그런데.. 이건 아니다 싶은게 몇개가..
Name: Mr. Perfect
HUD Name: Mr. Perfect
Nickname: Default
Nickname Placement: None
Announcer Introduction: The Legend
Hometown: Robbinsdale, Minnesota
Gender: Male
Weight Class: 118 kg (Heavyweight)
Crowd Reaction: Good
Show: Your choice
Basic Faces: 1
-Head Morphing-
Head: (-12, 0, -30)
Forehead: (-100, -100, 75, 0)
-Face Morphing-
Eyebrows: (-95, 100, 13, 2)
Eyes: (0, -45, -48, -88, 52, -13, -37)
Nose: (0, 32, -55, -17, 0, 43, 28, 60)
Cheeks: (-80, -100, 50, -55)
Mouth: (100, 19, -74, -49, 100, 20, -12)
Jaw: (-51, -19, -30, -39, 22, 22)
Ears: (15, 0, -26, 0)
Skin Aging: 29
Height: 191 cm
Body Type: 25
-Body Morphing-
Neck: (-66, 10, 10)
Chest: (25, 10, 32)
Shoulder: (-65, 32, -40)
Abdomen: (-60, 21, 5)
Waist: (0, 10)
Arms: (-42, -32, 3)
Hands: (-5, -5, -5)
Legs: (5, -22, -27)
Feet: (-20, -15, -80)
1) Definition: 5/9
2) Skin Tone: 2/12 (90, 2, -3)
3) Eye Type: 1/9 (13, 0, -18)
4) Eyebrows: 23/38 (89, 0, 0)
5) Eyelashes: Default
6) Lips: 14/16 (98, 7, 4)
7) Teeth: Default
8) Hair: 34/73 (87, -12, 23, -83)
9) Underwear: Default
10) Make-Up: 19/19 (92, 0, -13, 75)
11) Make-Up: 18/19 (92, -21, 3, 100)
12) Marks: 6/17 (92, -4, -10, 100)
13) Head Symbols: 103/141 rotate x1 largest horizontal & vertical (92, -55, 35, 50)
14) Head Symbols: 103/141 rotate x1 largest horizontal, smallest vertical (92, -53, 37, 75)
15) Head Symbols: 103/141 rotate x1 2nd smallest horizontal, smallest vertical (92, -53, 30, 100)
16) Wrestling Attire: 12/18 (-5, -25, 0)
17) Arm/Wrists: Both Arms 1/20 (-38, -100, -5, 100, 10)
18) Knee Pads: Both Knees 5/15 (-38, -100, -74, 100)
19) Boots/Shoes: 29/33 (-38, -100, 5) (-38, -100, 36)
20) Back Symbols: 103/141 2nd largest horizontal, largest vertical (-38, -100, -30, 100)
21) Back Symbols: 103/141 2nd largest horizontal & vertical (92, -49, 36, 100)
22) Back Symbols: 97/141 rotate x1 2nd largest horizontal, largest vertical (92, -49, 36, 100)
23) Back Symbols: 103/141 smallest horizontal, largest vertical (-38, -100, -30, 100)
24) Same as layer 23
25) Back Symbols: 104/141 rotate x1 2nd largest horizontal & vertical (-38, -100, -30, 100)
26) Back Symbols: 104/141 2nd largest horizontal & vertical (-38, -100, -30, 100)
27) Right Knee Lettering 5/18 letter 'M' default size (-38, -100, -60, 100)
28) Right Knee Lettering 5/18 letter 'R' default size (-38, -100, -60, 100)
29) Right Knee Lettering 5/18 letter 'P' default size (-38, -100, -60, 100)
30) Left Knee Lettering 5/18 letter 'M' default size (-38, -100, -60, 100)
31) Left Knee Lettering 5/18 letter 'R' default size (-38, -100, -60, 100)
32) Left Knee Lettering 5/18 letter 'P' default size (-38, -100, -60, 100)
Fighting Style 1: Technical
Fighting Style 2: Showman
Match Specialty: None
Voice: 1
Crowd Signs: Your Choice
[Head Morphing]
Head: 22/10/25
[Face Morphing]
Ears: default
Skin Aging:0
Body Type:25
[Advanced Options]
Body Height:6'1''
Layers ( in that order )
1) Definition:5
2) Skin Tone:6 90/0/0
3) Eye Type:1 85/16/-13
4) Eyebrows:35 86/0/0
5) Eyelashes:Default
6) Lips:14 98/8/-4
7) Teeth:Default
8) Hair:13 82/35/-24
9) Hair:50 89/51/4/100
10) Wrestling Tights:17 -13/-100/-75/100/legngth 15
11) Facial Features: 3 91/2/-6/49
12) Templates:17 90/0/0/42
13) Mustache:1 90/0/-16/27
14) Goatee:9 89/0/-21/36
15) Facial Features:1 89/0/-4/100
16) Make-Up:19 92/0/-7/87
17) Marks:1 -92/-14/-28/30
18) Wrestling Attire:12 Pattern:25 78/9/-3
19) Design:123 100/0/-40/92
20) Alphabet: 9/18 "R" Biggest Vertical & Horizontal -25/0/-100/100
21) Alphabet: 9/18 "R" Biggest Vertical & Horizontal -25/6/-8/100
22) Alphabet: 9/18 "V" Biggest Vertical & Horizontal -25/0/-100/100
23) Alphabet: 9/18 "V" Biggest Vertical & Horizontal -25/6/-8/100
24) Alphabet: 9/18 "D" Biggest Vertical & Horizontal -25/0/-100/100
25) Alphabet: 9/18 "D" Biggest Vertical & Horizontal -25/6/-8/100
26) Alphabet: 9/18 "R" Biggest Vertical & Horizontal -25/0/-100/100 (back)
27) Alphabet: 5/18 "V" 2 Biggest Vertical & biggest Horizontal -25/0/-100/100 (back)
28) Alphabet: 9/18 "D" Biggest Vertical & Horizontal -25/0/-100/100
29) Arms/Wrists:20 -13/-100/-100/100/length 25
30) Knee Pads:8 -13/-100/-71/100
31) Boots/Shoes:2 -100/-100/-72
32) Marks:6 89/0/-5/82
[Head Morphing]
Head: 47/1/5
[Face Morphing]
Ears: default
Skin Aging:48
Body Type:-58
[Advanced Options]
Body Height: I don't know 206 cm?
1) Definition:4
2) Skin Tone:10 90/12/-9
3) Eye Type:1 56/16/-9
4) Eyebrows:6 81/7/55
5) Eyelashes:Default
6) Lips:1 -100//1/-21
7) Teeth:Default
8) Hair:49(stylize 1 right) 81/25/-100
9) Desingn:103(cover upper lip) 79/-51/37/85
10) Underwear:4(sylize 1 left) 74/-10/100
11) Facial Features:3 90/15/-16/69
12) Mustache:13 85/16/64/100
13) Templates:25 84/20/5/100
14) Arms/Wrists:1 -13/-100/53/100/6
15) Knee Pads:5 -100/-3/-20/100
16) Face Paint:99 90/30/14/20
17) Boots/Shoes:4 76/-21/67
18) Hats:21(only Cut Scene & Entrance) pattern 12 96/55/100
19) Top:5 (skin tight, tucked in style) -100/14/100/100/5
20) Design: 103 rotate x1 2vertical/full horizontal(aroudn waist) 77/-29/-69/100
21) Design: 103 rotate x1 2vertical/full horizontal(aroudn waist) 77/-29/-69/100
22) Design: 103 rotate x1 2vertical/full horizontal(aroudn waist) 77/-29/-69/100
23) Design: 103 rotate x1 2vertical/full horizontal(aroudn waist) 77/-29/-69/100
24) Design: 103 rotate x1 2vertical/full horizontal(aroudn waist) 77/-29/-69/100
25) Design: 85 rotate x3 smalles vertical/largest horizontal (in chest only cut scene & entrance) 70/50/100/100
26) Design: 85 rotate x1 smalles vertical/largest horizontal (in chest only cut scene & entrance) 70/50/100/100
27) Design: 97 back of shirt rotate x1 smalles vertical/largest horizontal 92/-35/27/100 (only Cut Scene & Entrance)
28) Design: 97 back of shirt rotate x1 smalles vertical/x3 horizontal 92/-35/27/100 (only Cut Scene & Entrance)
29) Design: 97 back of shirt rotate x1 smalles vertical/x2 horizontal 92/-35/27/100 (only Cut Scene & Entrance)
30) Design: 103 (cheek So that the mustache be evenly) largest vertical/x2 horizontal 89/-40/16/100
31) Design: 103 (in other cheek So that the mustache be evenly) largest vertical/x2 horizontal 89/-40/16/100
32)Make-Up: 18 90/-6/25/100
Voice I choose 5
Match specialty I choose last man standing
Fighting Style 1:powehouse
Fighting Style 2:showman
Name: Hulk Hogan
HUD Name: Hogan
Nickname: Default
Nickname Placement: None
Announcer Introduction: Hollywood
Hometown: Venice Beach, California
Weightclass: Super Heavyweight
Crowd Reaction: Good
Show: hack in leyend
Finisher hack in atomic leg droop 1 & 2
Name: Chris Benoit
Nick Name: Rabid Wolverine
Nick Name Placement: Prefix (or none)
HUD: Chris Benoit (or Benoit)
Announcer Introduction: Christopher
Hometown: Atlanta, Georgia
Gender: Male
Weight Class: Heavyweight
Crowd Reaction: Good
Show: Smackdown
Voice: 2
Match Specialty: Submission
Fighting Style 1: Submission
Fighting Style 2: Technical
Crowd Signs: ??
Hair: 16; C 87,29 S -2
-Head Morphing-
Head: H 23 W -4 D-25
Forehead: S -52 H -12 W -6 D -23
Eye Type: 1, Style 1; C-16,0 S -14
Eyelashes: 3; C 87,0 S -7
Eyebrows: 6; C 85, 4 S -8
Lips: 14 C 97, 8 S -3
Teeth: 3; C 84,7 S -9
Skin : Skin Tone: 6; C 91, 2 S -4
Skin Aging: Age: 57;
-Face Morphing-
Eyebrows -62, 100, -80, -21
Eyes 0, -35, -20, -78, 1, -85, -31
Nose -2, -10, 29, -47, -14, 10, 29, 55
Cheeks -81, -100, 43, -81
Mouth 100, -70, -100, -31, 70, 100, -47
Jaw -55, -14, -48, -9, -50, -34
Ears -18, -53, -37, -2
Body Type: 0
-Body Morphing-
Neck -40, 48, 93
Chest -15,-12,10
Shoulders -72,-55,-31
Abdomen 5,21,22
Waist 2, -32
Arms -20,7,0
Hands -30,1,1
Legs -35,-12,7
Feet -7,0,19
Definition: 1
10. Wristbands 1; C -13, -23, -92, 100, 7
11. Wrestling Tights 16; C 78, -19, 11, 100
12. Facial Hair- Templates 16; C 85, 0, 0, 38
13. Facial Hair- Templates 17; C 90,0,0,32
14. Facial Hair- Sideburns 3; 90,0,-19,19
15. Facial Hair- Mustache 1; 90,0,11,19
16. Make-up 19; 91,1,-12,78
17. Facial Hair- Templates 16; C 89,4,3,10
18. Face Paint 18 C 90, 2, -14,19
19. Facial Hair- Mustache 1; C 90,0,0,26
20. Face Paint 83; C92,-7,-3,60
21. Make-up 1; 90,50,22,98
22. *Right Leg-Design 33; C 98, 55, 19, 100
23. *Left Leg-Design 33; C 98, 55, 19, 100
24. *Right Leg-WWE 7; C 100,-100,35,100
25. *Left Leg-WWE 7; C 100,-100,35,100
26. Boots 1; C -27, -14, -4
27. *Face- Design 138; 92,-48,27,89
28. *Body-WWE 7; C 100,-100,35,100
29. *Body-WWE 33; C-100,34,-3,97
30. *Body-WWE 7; C 100,-100,35,100
31. *Body-WWE 33; C-100,34,-3,97
32. *Body- Design 87; C 98,55, 19, 100
Name : Brock Lesnar
Head Morphing
Head : -6, 22, 15
Forehead : -34, -100, 29, -70
Face Morphing
Eyebrows : -30, 100, 13, -22
Eyes : 6, -40, -19, 8, 11, -12, 13
Nose : 53, -7, 45, -12, 12, -36, 8, 10
Cheeks : 0, -14, 34, 12
Mouth : 54, 40, -79, 27, 52, 4, -35
Jaw : -40, 38, 18, -8, 100, 59
Ears : -15, -6, -16, -4
Body Type : -45
Body Morphing
Neck : -100, 69, 28
Chest : 65, 4, 20
Shoulder : -96, 32, 21
Abdomen : -44, 26, 13
Waist : 19, 29
Arms : 31, 3, -6
Hands : 0, 0, 0
Legs : 20, -3, 0
Feet : 0, 0, 0
01. Definition : 1
02. Skin Tone : 11 (90,2,10)
03. Eyes : 1 (4,-1,-13)
04. Eyebrows : 6 (78,-3,33)
05. Eyelashes : 15
06. Lips : 15 (93,9,9)
07. Teeth : 1
08. Hair : 55 (81,-2,8)
09. Face Paint : 66 (90,9,33,25)
10. Face Paint : 76 (91,2,-35,25)
11. Underwear : 4 (-13,-100,-73)
12. Facial Features : 2 (90,-5,8,100)
13. Marks : 3 (89,0,2,100)
14. Make Up : 13 (89,0,20,73)
15. Design : 134 (89, -52,-55,30)
16. Design : 113 (90,0,-30,30)
17. Design : 138 (92,-47,48,59)
18. Facial Features : 1 (90,5,10,100)
19. Design : 18 (90,-59,-25,45)
20. Design : 17 (90,-65,-20,45)
21. Design : 17 (90,-65,-20,45)
22. Design : 17 (90,-65,-20,45)
23. Design : 93 (90,-49,43,100)
24. Design : 55 (90,-66,-20,46)
25. Make Up : 19 (91,4,3,50)
26. Design : 17 (86,-53,-50,10)
27. Knee Pads : 5 (-13,-100,-73,100)
28. Arms/Wrists : 1 (-13,-100,-74,100,9)
29. Boots/Shoes : 2 (Middle Style) (-100,-100,-73)
30. Design : 133 (100,-100,-51,32)
31. Design : 133 (100,-100,-51,32)
32. Alphabet : "," (-25,0,-100,30)
[Head Morphing]
[Face Morphing]
Skin Aging: Default
Body Type:21
[Advanced Options]
Body Height:6,2
01. Definition 1/9
02. Skin Tone 1/12 85,0,-40
03. Eye Type 3/9 13, 0,-22
04. Eyebrows Default
05. Eyelashes Default
06. Lips Default
07. Default
08. Hair 54/73 90,0,-68
09. Underwear 3/31 color Default
10. Mask 17/21 Pattern 14/51 Color -100,33,0,100
11. Arm Wrist Choose 1/20 -13,-23,100,90 And edit to 18/20 -13,-100,-100,100
12. Arm Wrist 1/20 -13,-100,-85,100,30
13. Face Paint 101/118 -26,-100,-18,84
14. Face Paint 73/118 -100,-78,-40,100
15. Boots 1/33 -27,0,-16
16. Bottoms 25/42 88,-55,-75
17. Belts 12/30 100,0,-14,100
18. Sign 1/7 second Row 1st Sign Color White place Mouth (Tusks)
19. Facial Features 1/9 -100,84,0,100
20. Body Accessories 12/17 78,-100,-100,100
21. Body Accessories 13/17 80,-100,-60,100
22. Tattoo Torso 7/22 -18,-100,-23,100
23. Tattoo Torso 4/22 -18,-100,-23,100
24. Tattoo Torso 16/22 -18,-100,-64,100
25. Tattoo Torso 17/22 -100,-100,-60,-58
26. Tattoo Back 11/24 -100,-100,-66,100
27. Tattoo Back 12/24 -100,-100,-82,100
28. Tattoo Back 18/24 -18,-100,-23,50
29. Head Tattoo Design 119/141 -99, 10,0,87 (Cover the seams of the mask
30. Head Tattoo Design 119/141 -99,10,0,87 (“????????????????????)
31. Head Tattoo Design 97/141 -19,-100,-40,100 (covering Right ear)
32. Head Tattoo Design 97/141 -19,-100,-40,100 (covering Left ear)
Name: The Boogeyman
HUD Name: Boogeyman
Nickname: Default
Nickname Placement: None
Announcer Introduction: You choose
Hometown: Pheonix, Arizona
Weightclass: Heavyweight (117 kg\260 lbs)
Crowd Reaction: Bad
Show: ECW
Name: Jimmy Wang Yang
HUD: Wang Yang
Announcer Introduction:James
Hometown:Los Angeles,California
Gender: Male
Weight Class:Light Heavyweight(93kg)
Crowd Reaction: Good
Start with template 4
Hair: 4(86,-78,-19)
-Head Morphing-
Eye Type: 1(85,39,-27)
Eyelashes: Default
Eyebrows: 37(87,0,0)
Lips: 2(94,-9,0)
Skin Tone: 6(89,0,10)
Skin Aging:20
-Face Morphing-
Height:176 cm
Body Type:2
-Body Morphing-
Face Paint:100(86,34,20,81)
Arms/Wrists:Left Arm:Put to 1 and set lenght to 15 then go to edit layers and switch it to 20(-13,-100,0,100)
Arms/Wrists:Right Arm:Put to 1 and set lenght to 15 then go to edit layers and switch it to 20(-13,-100,-100,100)
Tops:11(style:2nd)tucked in:(-13,-100,0,100)
Name: Legend Kane
Nickname: The Big Red Machine
Nickname placement: Prefix
HUD: Kane
Announcer Intro: The monster
Hometown: Parts Unknown
Weight Class: Heavy weight
Crowd Reaction: Good
Show: RAW
Default basic face
Hair- 32/73 (88, 7, -7, -72)
Head Morphing:
Heard- (0, 0, 0)
Forehead- (0,0,0,0)
Eyes: Type- 1/9 (11, 0, 3)
Lashes: Default
Brows: Default
Mouth: Lips- Default
Teeth- Default
Skin: All default
Face morphing:
Eyebrows- (-11, 38, 0, 0)
Eyes- (0, -29, -7, 5, 0, 0, 0)
Nose- (0, 0, 43, 0, 0, 42, -8)
Cheeks- (0, 17, 7, 10)
Mouth- (7, 0, -3, 0, 0, 0, -48)
Jaw- (18, 14, 0, 7, 0, 0)
Ears- (0, 0, 0, 0)
Height- 7’0????
Body Morphing:
Neck- (-35, 44, 48)
Chest- (26, 12, 34)
Shoulders- (3, 6, 3)
Abdomen- (-2, 44, 32)
Waist- (14, 5)
Arms- (0, 29, 36)
Hands- (0, 0, 0)
Legs- (10, 20, 29)
Feet- (0, 0, 0)
Definition- 1/9
Layers: *See Help pics for placement help for the attire
9. Underwear- Default
10. Make-up- 19/19 (92, 0, -34, 100)
11. Goatee- 3/14 (89, 0, 0, 100)
12. Face Paint- 69/118 (100, 0, 0, 100)
13. Wrestling tights- 1/17 (-100, 43, -23, 100, 100)
14. Right Arms/Wrists- 1/20 (-100, 18, -23, 100, 100)
15. Left Arms/Wrists- 1/20 (-13, -100, -69, 100, 21)
16. Boots/Shoes- 1/33 (-27, 0, -11)
17. Right Hands/Gloves- 4/ 16 (21, -100, -68, 100)
18. Tops- 3/40 *stylize to the long sleeve one (-13, -100, -67, 100, 21)
19. Design- 98/ 141 *rotate once, Biggest V, Second biggest H, (Pick red from the color selection)
20. Design- 104/141* Biggest V, Biggest H (Pick Red from the color selection)
21. Design- 98/141 *rotate once, biggest V, biggest H (Pick Red from the color selection)
22. Design- 103/141*rotate once, biggest V, biggest H(Pick Red from the color selection)
23. Design- 104/141*biggest V, biggest H (Pick Red from the color selection)
24. Design- 98/141 *biggest V, biggest H (Pick Red from the color selection)
25. Design- 98/141 *biggest V, biggest H (Pick Red from the color selection)
26. Design- 103/141 *rotate once, Biggest V, biggest H (Pick Red from the color selection)
27. Design- 93/141 *rotate twice, second biggest V, biggest H (Pick red from the color selection)
28. Right Wrestling Tights Design- 5/159 (-18, -100, -77, 71)
29. Left Wrestling Tights Design- 144/159 (-18, -100, -41, 71)
30. Belts- 1/30- Default color
31. Right hand Design- 103 *rotate once, Second biggest V, Biggest H (Pick red from the color selection)
32. Right hand Design- 103 *rotate once, Second biggest V, Biggest H (pick red from the color selection)
Credit To Sev7nFold For Face And Body Morphing
Face Morphing :
Eyebrows : -80, -18, 5, 29
Eyes : -32, -7, 24, 32, 18, 0, -17
Nose : 0, 14, 94, 0, 22, -37, 28, 59
Cheeks : -100, -69, 29, 30
Mouth : 77, -23, -56, -49, 14, -34, -40
Jaw : -26, 34, -10, -32, -41, 6
Ears : Default
Body Morphing :
Neck : -33, 14, 0
Chest : -7, 6, 4
Shoulders : -51, -36, -6
Abdomen : -30, 22, 5
Waist : 6, 0
Arms : -33, 0, 14
Hands : -12, 7, 0
Legs : -12, 7, 7
Layers :
1.Definition : 5/9
2.Face skin : 1/12
3.Eyes : Type : 1 : X13 Y0, Shade : -18
4.Eyebrows : 6 : X81 Y0, Shade : -5
5.Eyelashes : DEFAULT
6.Lips : DEFAULT
7.Teeth : DEFAULT
8.Hair : 1 : X79 Y0 : Shade :10
9.Underwear: Default
10.Wrestling Tights 16/17: X-100;y-10;-76;100
11.WWE Logo 8/47: x-100;y-100;-50;100
12.WWE Logo 8/47: x-100;y-100;-50;100
13.WWE Logo 8/47: x-100;y-100;-50;100
14.WWE Logo 8/47: x-100;y-100;-50;100
15.WWE Logo 8/47: x-100;y-100;-50;100
16.WWE Logo 8/47: x-100;y-100;-50;100
17.Knee Pads 15/15: x-13;y-100;-70;100
18.Socks 16/24: x-100;y-100;-66;100
19.Arms, Wrists 1/200 (Type 1): x-100;y-100;-80;100;5
20.Boots, Shoes 30/33: 1st Colour:x-100;y-100;2
: 2nd Colour:x-100;y-100;66
21.WWE Logo 33/47: x70;y-100;40
22.WWE Logo 8/47: x-100;y-100;50;100
23.WWE Logo 33/47: x70;y-100;40
24.WWE Logo 33/47: x70;y-100;40
25.WWE Logo 8/47: x-100;y-100;50;100
26.WWE Logo 33/47:x70;y-100;40
27.WWE Logo 33/47:x70;y-100;40
28.WWE Logo 33/47:x70;y-100;40
29.Alphabet 16/18 "s": x-8;y96;3;100
30.Alphabet 15/18 "U": x-8:y96;3;100
31.Numeral 7/9 Last "2": x-8;y96;3;100
32.Numeral 7/9 Last "2": x-8;y96;3;100
Name: Big Bossman
HUD Name: Big Bossman
Nickname: Default
Nickname Placement: None
Announcer Introduction: The Legend
Hometown: Georgia
Gender: Male
Weight Class: 150 kg (Super Heavyweight)
Crowd Reaction: Good
Show: Your choice
Basic Faces: None
Head: (5, 0, 0)
Forehead: (-50, -50, 18, 0)
-Face Morphing-
Eyebrows: (-51, 100, 0, -18)
Eyes: (-28, 0, 18, -31, 29, 0, -12)
Nose: (0, -13, 9, -18, 0, 0, -36, 7)
Cheeks: (0, 100, 36, 0)
Mouth: (100, -82, -100, -43, 52, 100, -31)
Jaw: (27, 20, 19, -26, -30, 33)
Ears: (18, 0, -36, 0)
Skin Aging: 31
Height: 198 cm
Body Type: 40
-Body Morphing-
Neck: (-85, 30, 36)
Chest: (0, 50, 100)
Shoulder: (-100, 47, -40)
Abdomen: (11, 35, 35)
Waist: (49, 31)
Arms: (0, -12, -18)
Hands: (0, 0, 0)
Legs: (0, 0, 0)
Feet: (0, 0, 0)
1) Definition: 5/9
2) Skin Tone: 10/12 (91, -2, 10)
3) Eye Type: 1/9 (88, 30, -17)
4) Eyebrows: 24/38 (87, 6, 3)
5) Eyelashes: Default
6) Lips: 15/16 (91, 10, 0)
7) Teeth: Default
8) Hair: 13/73 (83, 25, -20)
9) Underwear: Default
10) Make-Up: 19/19 (91, -2, 0, 100)
11) Marks: 3/17 (92, -2, 4, 100)
12) Sideburns: 12/17 (88, -15, 10, 75)
13) Templates: 15/26 (89, -7, -4, 100)
14) Templates: 12/26 (87, 5, -4, 100)
15) Mustache: 5/13 (90, -9, 0, 100)
16) Mustache: 7/13 (89, -5, 0, 100)
17) Boots/Shoes: 23/33 (-38, -100, -70)
18) Bottoms: 31/42 (-38, -100, -64)
19) Tops: 32/40 2nd style (-18, -48, 7)
20) Torso Symbols: 100/141 rotate x1, 2nd smallest horizontal, largest vertical (-38, -100, -28, 100)
21) Same as layer 20
22) Torso Symbols: 103/141 rotate x1, 2nd smallest horizontal, smallest vertical (-38, -100, -28, 100)
23) Same as layer 22
24) Torso Sign 7/7 last row 3rd column rotate x2, largest horizontal, smallest vertical (73, -7, 0 ,100)
25) Torso Symbols: 141/141 smallest horizontal & vertical (72, -10, 26, 100)
26) Right Arm Symbols: 103/141 2nd smallest horizontal, smallest vertical (-38, -100, -28, 100)
27) Right Arm Symbols: 132/141 rotate x2, smallest horizontal & vertical (72, 12, -4, 100)
28) Left Arm Symbols: 103/141 2nd smallest horizontal, smallest vertical (-38, -100, -28, 100)
29) Left Arm Symbols: 132/141 rotate x2, smallest horizontal & vertical (72, 12, -4, 100)
30) Back Symbols: 100/141 2nd smallest horizontal, largest vertical (-38, -100, -28, 100)
31) Same as layer 30
32) Glasses: 23/33 (-38, -100, -67) only for entrance & cut scene
Fighting Style 1: Brawler
Fighting Style 2: Powerhouse
Match Specialty: None
Voice: 1
Crowd Signs: Your Choice
# Head/Face #
Hair : 2
Head Morping - Head : 41 , 7 , 0
- Forhead : 0 , 0 , 0 , 0
Eyes - Eye Type : 1 (default)
- Eyebrows : 1 (86 , 0 , 0)
Mouth - Lips : 1 (default)
- Teeth : 1 (default)
Skin - Skin Tone : 11 (91 , 5 , 0)
- Skin Aging : 71
Face Morping - Eyebrows : -100, 100, 0, 20
- Eyes : 0, -45, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0
- Nose : 0, 0, 100, 0, 0, -40, 0, -20
- cheeks : 0, 0, 0, 0
- mouth : 0, -20, 0, 0, 0, 0, -30
- jaw : 75, 30, 30, 0, 80, 25
- ears : 0, 0, 0, 0
[Facial Hair]
Templates : 9 (89, 0, -10, 100)
Goatee : 1 (90, -40, 0, 100)
# Body #
[Height] : 193cm
[Body Type]
Body Type : 30
Body Morphing - neck : 0, 100, 100
- chest : 50, 50, 50
- shoulders : 30, 90, 30
- abdomen : 0, 15, 15
- waist : 0, 0
- arms : 100, 20, 20
- hands : 50, 50, 50
- legs : 50, 20, 20
- feet : 0, 0, 0
[Definition] : 1
[Body Hair]
Torso : 5 (default)
# Clothing #
[Upper Body]
Armwear - Elbows - Both Arms : 4 - color (-13,-100, -70, 100)
- Hands - Both hands : 7 - color (-13,-100, -70, 100)
[Lower Body]
Underwear : 4 - color (-13,-100, -70)
Knee Pads - Borh Knees : 15 - color (-13,-100, -70, 100)
Footwear - Boots/Shoes : 10 - color (100, 0, 5)
# Body #
Symbols - arms - left arm : 33 (see screenshot) (-19, 0, -20, 80)
- back : 33 (see screenshot) (-19, -100, 59, 100)
# Other #
[Voice] : 2
[Match Specialty] : (as you wish... I choose 'None')
[Fighting Style 1] : Brawler
[Fighting Style 2] : Powerhouse
[Crowd Signs] : (as you wish)
Name : Bill Goldberg
Nickname : Goldberg
Nickname Placement : None
HUD Name : Goldberg
Announcer Introduction : (as you wish)
Hometown : Tulsa, Oklahoma
Weight Class : Super Heavyweight (129kg)
Crowd Reaction : Good
Show : (as you wish)
Head Morphing:
Head: 11, 25, 12
Forehead: 8, 10, 7, -22
Face Morphing:
Eyebrows: -41, -29, 26, -18
Eyes: -22, -20, 28, 60, -3, 3, -18
Nose: 13, 39, -4, 1, 40, -1, 14, -1
Cheeks: 11, 7, 40, 7
Mouth: 1, -14, -14, -9, 14, -13, -26
Jaw: 73, 45, -7, 25, 33, 45
Ears: 48, 31, 22, 0
Skin Aging: 46
Body Morphing:
Body Type: -25
Neck: -56, 47, 40
Chest: 12, 23, 49
Shoulder: -100, 37, 26
Abdomen: -16, 48, 24
Waist: 49, 28
Arms: 10, 22, 24
Hands: 7, 8, 13
Legs: 52, 41, 34
Feet: 0, 0, 0
Height: 204cm
01. Definition 5
02. Skin Tone 6: 90, 4, -1
03. Eye Type 1: -100, 14, -15
04. Eyebrows 35: 88, 0, -7
05. Eyelashes 15
06. Lips 14: 97, 8, 3
07. Teeth 1: 87, 0, 0
08. Hair 31: 83, 0, -11, -83
09. Underwear 5: 21, -23, -29
10. Make-Up 19: 92, 9, -7, 16
11. Templates 18: 90, -23, 0, 20
12. Goatee 13: 87, 0, -6, 100
13. Arms/Wrists 1: -13, -100, -21, 100, 25
14. Arms/Wrists 1: -13, -100, -73, 100, 20
15. Other 26: -19, -100, -22
16. Boots/Shoes 1: -27, -100, -9
17. Hands 12: -13, -100, -55
18. Bottoms 31: -13, -100, -55
19. WWE 4, 2nd Largest V & 2nd Smallest H: 68, -100, -36, 71
20. Belts 12: 100, 0, -5, 100
21. WWE 6 (Left arm), Rotate twice, 2nd Smallest V & 2nd Largest H: 70, -100, 7, 100
22. Repeat layer 21 but on the right arm
23. Marks 6 (Stylize: Press left once): 89, 0, -3, 32
24. Marks 9: 90, 11, -13, 5
25. Facial Features 1: 91, -2, 2, 100
26. Design 99, Smallest V & 2nd Largest H: 95, -62, 4, 17
*Layer 27 to layer 32 is for entrance & cut scene only*
27. Tops 5 (Not tucked): -10, 100, -55
28. Tops 33 (Tucked in) (Pattern 6): -16, -45, 1
29. Design 103 (Front), Largest V & Largest H: -19, -100, -20, 100
30. Design 103 (Front), 2nd Largest V & Largest H: -19, -100, -19, 100
31. Flag 1 (Left arm), Smallest V & Smallest H: 100, 0, -5, 50
32. Repeat later 31 but on the right arm
Voice: Voice-1
Match Specialty: None
Fighting Style 1: Powerhouse
Fighting Style 2: Brawler
Employment Application Form:
Name: Chuck Palumbo
Nickname: Default
Nickname Placement: None
HUD Name: Palumbo
Announcer Introduction: Charles
Hometown: San Diego, California
Weight Class: 130kg (Super Heavyweight)
Crowd Reaction: Good
Show: SmackDown
6/73 (1/ 6/ 12 ; i like 6) [38, 81, -3]
Head Morphing::
Head:: [42, 6, -33]
Forehead:: [-22, -100, -4, -33]
Eye Type:: 1/9 [9, -100, -39]
Eyelashes:: 1/15 [85, 0, 0]
Eyebrows:: 24/38 [87, 11, 7]
Lips:: 1/16 [99, 0 , 0]
Teeth:: 1/14 [87, 0 , 0]
Skin Tone:: 6/12 [92, 2, 4]
Skin Aging:: 100
Face Morphing::
Eyebrows:: [-37, -21, 18, -91]
Eyes:: [-19, -83, -27, 100, -18, -24, -30]
Nose:: [28, -24, -45, -1, 14, 65, -71, 9]
Cheeks:: [-100, 100, 43, 26]
Mouth:: [70, -36, -21, -24, -7, -49, 35]
Jaw:: [91, -26, -25, -26, -37, 25]
Ears:: [37, -41, -7, -52]
Facial Hair::
Templates:: 12/26 [86, 0, -11, 100]
Height:: 173 cm
Body Type::
Body Type:: -18
Body Morphing::
Neck:: [-44, 29, 55]
Chest:: [-49. -30, 37]
Shoulders:: [-92, 10, -40]
Abdomen:: [-35, 6, 7]
Waist:: [-11 , 15]
Arms:: [-53, 38, 35]
Hands:: [20. 41. 27]
Legs:: [40, -31, 14]
Feet:: [-64, 18, -39]
Definition:: 2/9
Left Arm:: 9/141
Rotate 2 Times, Forearm [Medium Size]
Upper Body::
Tops:: 33/40 [-33, -100, -55] [For Entrance & Cut Scene]
Both Arms:: 15:20 [-100, -100, 100, 100]
Lower Body::
Underwear:: 1/31 [100, 0, 0]
Wrestling Tights:: 1/17 [-100. -100, -100, 100, 100]
Wrestling Tights Designs:: 47/159 & 1/159 [-96, 0, 19, 100]
Boots/Shoes:: 1/33 [74, 59, 35]
Voice:: Voice-4
Match Specialty:: Parking Lot Brawl
Fighting Style 1:: Technical
Fighting Style 2:: Dirty
Name:: Eddie Guerrero
Nickname:: Latino Heat
Nickname Placement:: None
HUD Name:: Eddie
Announcer Introduction:: The Cheater
Hometown:: El Paso, Texas
Weight Class:: 100kg (Light Heavyweight)
Crowd Reaction:: Good
Show:: SmackDown
Head Morphing:
Head: Default
Forehead: 0 / -15 / -22 / 0
Face Morphing:
Eyebrows: -44 / -85 / 16 / -59
Eyes: -18 / -62 / -29 / 55 / 25 / -10 / -44
Nose: 29 / -18 / -44 / -3 / 33 / 33 / -18 / 18
Cheeks: -83 / -100 / 20 / 0
Mouth: 100 / -39 / -75 / -21 / -41 / 50 / -47
Jaw: 37 / 36 / -29 / -74 / -25 / 25
Ears: 26 / 30 / -13 / -42
Skin Aging: 100
Body Morph
Neck: -42 / 29 / 0
Chest: Default
Shoulders: -86 / -23 / 0
Abdomen: 19 / 12 / 19
Waist: 7 / 4
Arms: 50 / 0 / 0
Hands : -10 / -5 / 0
Legs: 48 / -5 / 0
Feet: Default
01 Definition : 4/9
02 Skin Tone: 6/12: 90 / 6 / 5
03 Eyes: 1/9 : 9 / 9 / -26
04 Eyebrows: 1/38 : 86/ 0 / -1
05 Eyelashes: 1/15
06 Lips:1/16 : 99/ 9 / 0
07 Teeth: default
08 Hair: 12/73: Style 2 : 80 / -3 / -7
09 Hair Hack : 4/73 86 / 0 / -25 / 100
Non Hair Hack : 12/73 : default
10 Underwear : 4/31 :Style 2 : -13 / -100 / 0
11 Tights : 16/17 : -13 / -100 / -75 / 100
12 Moustache : 4/13 90 / 0 / -5 / 100
13 Templates : 23/26 86 / 0 /-9 / 47
14 Marks : 3/17 : 92 / 9 / 0 / 100
15 Templates : 15/26 : 85 /0 / -16 / 36
16 Design/Head : 103 / 141: 90 / -40 / 42 / 71 Help Pic ( pink)
17 Designs/Arms/Right : 40/141: -19 / 0 / -37 / 40 Help Pic (White)
18 Socks : 1/24 : -13 / -100 / -100 / 100 / 50
19 WWE/Body : 43/47 : 70 / 40 / -17 / 77 Help Pic (Blue)
20 Arm/Wrists/Both : -13 / -10 / 0 / 100 / 15
21 Make Up : 19 / 19 : 92 / 15 / 0 / 87
22 Tattoo Legs/Both : 55/159 : 75 / 0 / 23 / 100
23 Tattoo Legs/Both : 5/159 : 73 / -22 / 48 / 70
24 Designs/Legs/Right : 132/141 : -12 / 15 / 0 / 56 Help Pic(White)
25 Designs/Legs/Left : 132/141 : -12 / 15 / 0 / 56 Help Pic(White)
26. Tattoo/Legs / Both : 1/159 -9 / 14 / 9 / 93
27. Boot/Shoes : 29/33 1st Color: 90 / 28 /0 2nd Color: Black
28. Designs/Legs/Right : 32/141 -13 / -100 / -44 / 100 Help Pic(White)
29.Designs/Legs/Right : 32/141 -13 / -100 / -44 / 100 Help Pic(White)
Name: Sting
HUD Name: Sting
Nickname: the icon
Nickname Placement: prefix
Announcer Introduction: The icon
Hometown: Venice Beach, California
Gender: Male
Weightclass: Heavyweight (253lbs)
Show: ?
Voice: Voice-4
Match Speciality: SUBMISSION
Fighting style powerhouse, showman
Crowd signs nWo
Crowd Reaction Good
Head Morphing
12, 0, 9
0, -57, 20, -13
Face Morphing
-100, 37, 24, 100
2, -18, -22, 28, 11, 6, -12
3, -18, 21, 11, 24, 4, -3, -33
-30, -91, -71, -31
26, -30, -45, -18, -18, -25, -77
9, 7, 18, 2, -37, -12
3, 13, -19, -7
Skin Aging
Body Type
Advanced Options
-43, 41, 38
36, 33, 19
-51, 66, -2
-5, -11, -22
47, 16
9, 0, 8
9, 4, 5
13, 17, 17
0, 3, 3
Body Height
Definition 5/9( 92, 3, -7)
Skin Type 12/12 (90,0,0)
Eye type 2/9 Black
Eyebrows default
Eyelashes default
Lips ,Teeth, Underwear Default
Hair 16/73 (-100,-100,-14)
Face Paint 56/118 (100, -100,100)
Wrestling attire 13/18 -100,-100,-65
Wrestling tights 3/17 -100,-100,-63,100,100
Face Paint 73/118 -100-100,-25,100
Face Paint 20/118 -100,-100,-21,100
Face Paint 22/118 -1,-78,-31,100
Goatee 12/14 -100,-100,-100,100
Face Paint 118/118 -96,-100,-100,100
Face Paint 23/118 -98,-100,27,100
Hands 12/16 -100,-100,-59
WWE x 2 8/47 WHITE
Boots 6/33 -100,-100,-100
Wrestling tights designs 25/159 WHITE
24 Design 103 /141 -100 ,-100,43,100 see help picture
25 Design 96/141 -100,-100,-100,100 see help picture
26 Design 96/141 -100,-100,-100,100 see help picture
27 Design 97/141 -100,-100, 44, 100 see help picture
28 Design 97/141 -100,-100, 44, 100 see help picture
29 Design 100/141 -100,-100,-8,100 see help picture
30 Design 100/141 -100,-100,-8,100 see help picture
31 Sign 1/7 ( BLACK
32 Sign 1/7 ) BLACK
이것만 하면.. 기술이 지멋대로라.. 무브셋을 해줘야 하죠..
위와 순서 상관없이 올려요.. 그리고 이것 역시.. 이건 아닌것 같은데.. 라는게 쫌 있습니다.
Fighting Style
1st- Hardcore
2nd- Highfligher
Standing Actions
Ring In- Jumping 2
Ring Out- normal
Taunts- ecw3,ecw2,ecw3,esw1
Strike Attacks- Buzzaw Low Kick,Spinnig to Face, Dragon Whip1,Enzuiguiri,outlaw Punches 1
Fists of Fury-
Grapple Moves- Quick: Leg Whip, Arm drag 2, Headlock Takeover, Sweet 2
1st Fighting Style: Jumping Armbracker, Piledriver 2, small package 1, White Russian Legsweep
Ultimate Control 1: Samoan Drop
2nd Fighting Style: Snapmare and Dropkick 2, Hurracanrana4 , DDT 7, Back Suplex 1
Ultimate Control 2: Suplex
Grapple from behind: Bulldog 3, Back Suplex 4, Neckbracker9, Backslide Pin
Strike Attacks- Angry Stomp, Flip Senton Attack 1, Spiral Leg drop
Grapple Moves- SS camel clutch, Handspring Splash, Moonsault Splash 1, Flip Senton Attack 3, Leg Drop 1, Moonsault Splash 2
Strike Attacks- on the rope, ecw shoulder Thrust 1, Turnbuckle Dropkick 2
Grapple Moves- Arm Drag 4, Monkey Flip, Triangle Dropkick, Ecw Shoulder Thrust 2
Grapple From Behind- Lucha DDT, Double Ace Handle 5,Super Back Suplex, Toss into Ringpost
Sitting Corner Grapple- Turnbuckle Dropkick 3
Groggy Against Ropes- Ecw Monkey Flip
Rebount Attack: Springboard Body Splash, Springboard Moonsault,
Standing Outside Ring Attacks- Vaulting Body Press 3
Diving outside the Ring- Rope Flip 2
Diving Attack vs. Standing Opp.- Diving Side Kick, Diving Cross Body Pin 1
Diving Attack vs. Downed Opp.- Diving Moonsault 1, Superstar Press Pin
Running Strikes- Cross Body 1, Spinnig Wheel Kick 2
Running Grapple- DDT 1, Back Rolling
Grapple From Behind- Snapmare, Neckbracker 9
Down Attack- Senton 1, Flip Senton Attack 2
Counter Attack- Flapjack and Dropkick, Counter Dropkick
Tag Team
Standing Tag Team- Dropkick and Rolling Clutch, Double Suplex, Double Clothesline, Double Dropkick
Corner Tag Team- Moonsault Combination, Kick to Cut 1, Body Splash & Whip, Whip and Lay down
Five- Star Frog Splash, (ECW Feint Wheel Kick 3)
Fighting Styles
Powerhouse, Showman
Standard Actions
Ring-In: Triple H
Ring-Out: Normal
Taunts: Taunt Spirit x2, Terry Funk x2
Strike Attacks: Double Axe Handle, Wrestling Hero Punches, Big Boot 1, Back Chop 3, Vionic Punches 1
Grapple Moves
Quick: Back Chop 5, Headlock Takeover, European Uppercut, Wrist & Arm Wrench
1st Fight Style: Giant Push, Scoop Slam 4, Backbreaker 7, Oklahoma Slam
2nd Fight Style: Suplex 5, Airplane Spin, Free Fall Drop, Backbreaker 5
UCM 1: Backbreaker
UCM 2: Piledriver
Grapple from Behind: Atomic Drop, Back Suplex 3, Full Nelson Slam 2, Backbreaker 8
Strike Attacks: Angry Stomp, Elbow Drop 3, Elbow Drop 1
Grapple Moves: Back Chop 6, SS Bow & Arrow, Knee Drop 2, Knee Smash 1, Toss 2, SS Boston Crab
Strike Attacks: Turnbuckle Clothesline 1 x2, Knee Attack 1
Grapple Moves: Back Elbow Strike x2, Big Back Chop x2
Grapple from Behind: Forearm to Back x2, Toss Into Ring Post x2
Sitting Corner Grapple: Running Knee Strike 2
Groggy against ropes: Big Boot 3
Standing outside ring attack: Vaulting Body Press 2
Diving Attack vs. Standing: Double Axe Handle 3 x2
Diving Attack vs. Downed: Diving Elbow Drop x2
Running Strikes: Clothesline 5, Shoulder Block 2
Running Grapple: Neckbreaker 10 x2
Grapple from Behind: Bulldog 4 x2
Down Attack: Elbow Drop 4, Double Axe Handle 4
Counter Attack: Powerslam 2, Drop Toe Hold
Tag Team
Standing Tag Team: Default
Corner Tag Team: Default
Finishing Leg Drop x2 (Atomic Leg Drop isn't in)
Fighting Style:
1st: Showman
2nd: High-Flyer
Standard Actions:
Ring-In: Slide In
Ring-Out: One Handstand Ring Out
Taunts: Taunt Wrestling Hero 3, Taunt King Of The World, Triple H 2, Taunt King Of The World
Strike Attacks: Snap Jab 2, Dropkick 2, Back Chop 3, Enzuigiri, Woman's Elbow Smash (Trust Me...)
Grapple Moves:
- Quick: Arm Drag 2, Back Chop 4, Headlock Takeover, Wrist & Arm Wrench
- 1st Fight Style: Repeating Powerbomb, Backbreaker 5, Jumping Armbreaker, Russian Leg Sweep 1
- Ultimate Control 1: Suplex
- 2nd Fight Style: Snapmare & Dropkick 1, Suplex 5, Flash Back 1, Hurracanrana 4
- Ultimate Control 2: DDT
Grapple from behind: Facecrusher 3, Back Suplex 4, Flash Back 2, Back Suplex Pin 2
Strike Attacks: Angry Stomp, Elbow Drop 1, Senton 2
Grapple Moves: SS Bow & Arrow, Cocky Pin, Armbreaker 1, The Rock Sharpshooter, Pin With Bridge, Leg Lock 2
Strike Attacks: Turnbuckle Clothesline 1, Turnbuckle Dropkick 1, Turnbuckle Dropkick 2
Grapple Moves: Dropkick 5, Big Back Chop, Triangle Dropkick, Superplex
Grapple from behind: Forearm to Back, Rolling Powerbomb, Super Back Suplex, Toss into Ring Post
Sitting Corner Grapple: Stomping Mudhole
Groggy against ropes: Slingshot Suplex (or Drop Out)
Rebound Attack: Springboard Dropkick (or Springboard Back Elbow), Springboard Moonsault (his Lionsault)
Standing outside ring attacks: Vaulting Body Press 2
Diving Outside Ring Attacks: Vaulting Body Press 1 (or Baseball Slide 1)
Diving Attack vs. Standing Opp.: Diving Reverse Elbow, Missile Dropkick
Diving Attack vs. Downed Opp.: Diving Moonsault 1, Diving Elbow Drop
Running Strikes: Flying Forearm Smash 2, Dash Elbow
Running Grapple: School Boy Pin 2, Neckbreaker 10
Grapple from behind: School Boy Pin 1, Bulldog 5
Down Attack: Elbow Drop 4, Senton 2
Counter Attack: Back Body Drop, Tilt A Whirl Sideslam
Tag Team:
Standing Tag Team: Double Beat Head, Double Clothesline, Double Suplex, Double DDT
Corner Tag Team: Double Stomping, Kick To Gut 1, Hip Toss 2, Whip & Lay Down
SS Boston Crab (The Walls Of Jericho)
Knee Facebuster (his Codebreaker)
Fighting Style
1st - Showman
2nd - technical
Standing Actions
Ring In - Slide In
Ring Out - Normal
Taunts - Rey Mysterio 1,Taunt Hold up 2,Taunt Legend 2,Rey Mysterio 1
Strike Attacks - Outlaw Punches 1,Dropkick 2,Back chop 3,Elbow Smash 1,Body Punch
Grapple Moves
Quick - Arm Drag 3,Back chop 4,Headlock Takeover,Wrist & Arm Wrench
1st Fight Style - DDT 10,Scoop Slam 4,Neckbreaker 3,Hip Toss 1
Ultimate Control 1 - Piledriver
2nd Fight Style - Powerbomb 2,Backbreaker 5,Suplex 5,SS Abdominal Stretch
Ultimate Control 2 - Suplex
Grapple from behind - Belly To Back,Backslide Pin,German Suplex 4,Russian Leg Sweep 2
Strike Attacks - Angry Stomp,Elbow Drop 1,Elbow Drop 3
Grapple Moves(Upper) - SS Bow & Arrow,Knee Drop 5,Headlock 2
Grapple Moves(lower) - Leg Lock 2,Belly Stomp,Knee Smash 1
Strike Attacks - Turnbuckle Body Attack,Turnbuckle Clothesline 1,(sitting)Knee Attack 1
Grapple Moves - Clothesline 25,Big Back Chop,Knee Strike,Superplex
Grapple From Behind - Forearm to Back,Neckbreaker 12,Super Back Suplex,Toss Into Ring Post
Sitting Corner Grapple - Stomping Mudhole
Groggy Against Ropes - Knee Drop 4
Standing Outside Ring Attacks - Vaulting Body Press 2
Diving Outside Ring Attacks - Suicide Dive
Diving Attack vs. Standing Opp. - Diving Cross Body Pin 1,Diving Clothesline
Diving Attack vs. Downed Opp. - Diving Elbow Drop,The Money Shop Pin
Running Strikes - Clothesline 14,Flying Forearm Smash 2
Running Grapple - Neckbreaker drop,School Boy Pin 2
Grapple from Behind - School Boy Pin 1,Bulldog 5
Down Attack - Double Axe Handle 4,Elbow Drop 4
Counter Attack - Back Body Drop,Spinebuster 4
Tag Team
Standing Tag Team - German Suplex & STO,Double Suplex,Double DDT,Double Dropkick
Corner Tag Team - Double Stomping,Kick To Gut 1,Body Splash & Whip,Hip Toss 2
SS Sharpshooter(Scorpion Deathlock)
DDT 5(Scorpion Deathdrop)
You can also change the DDT 5 to the DDT 12 or to the Tombstone Piledriver 2(saw Sting do the Tombstone in WCW a couple of times).
1st: High-Flyer
2nd: Showman
Standard Actions:
Ring-In: Jumping 2
Ring-Out: Quick Ring Out
Taunt Legend 1
Taunt Legend 3
Taunt Legend 2
Taunt Legend 3
Strike Attacks:
Snap Jab 2
Dropkick to Knee
Back Chop 3
Drop kick 2
Snap Jab 1
Fists of Fury: None
Grapple Moves:
- Quick:
European Uppercut
Arm Drag 2
Back Chop 4
Eye Poke 1
- 1st Fight Style: Dont know yet (Game froze)
- Ultimate Control 1:
- 2nd Fight Style: Dont Know yet (Game Froze)
- Ultimate Control 2:
Samoan Drop
Grapple from behind:
Cradle Pin
Back Suplex 4
Hurracanrana Pin 2
Russian Leg Sweep 3
Strike Attacks:
The Rock Stomp
Dropkick 3
Flip Senton Attack 1
Grapple Moves:
SS Triangle Hold
Tope Atomico
SS Dragon Sleeper
Leg Drop 1
Moonsault Splash 2
Pin With Bridge
Strike Attacks:
On The Top Rope
Turnbuckle Dropkick 1
Turnbuckle Dropkick 2
Grapple Moves:
Armbreaker 3
Super Hurracanrana
Dropkick 5
Grapple from behind:
Lucha DDT
Rolling Powerbomb
Super Back Suplex
Spider Suplex
Sitting Corner Grapple: Stomping Mudhole
Groggy against ropes: Drop Out
Rebound attack:
Springboard Body Splash
Slingshot Body Splash 1
Standing outside ring attacks: Vaulting Body Press 3
Diving outside ring attacks: Rope Flip 2
Diving attack vs. Standing Opp:
Headscissor Takedown 1
Missle Dropkick
Diving attack vs. Downed Opp:
Corkscrew Senton
Diving Elbow Drop
Running Strikes:
Running Calf Kick
Running Grapple:
Headscissor Takedown 2
Mysterio Rolling
Grapple from behind:
Scool Boy Pin 1
Bulldog 5
Down Attack:
Elbow Drop 4
Senton 1
Counter Attack:
Tilt A Whirl Sideslam
Backbody Drop
Tag Team:
Standing Tag Team:
Dropkick & Rolling Clutch
Double Suplex
Double Facecrusher
Double Dropkick
Corner Tag Team:
Double Leg Drop
Double Side Leg Lock
Calf Kick & Sweep
Calf Kick & Tiger Suplex
1. Frog Splash Pin 2
2. Suplex 4
1st: Powerhouse
2nd: Brawler
Ring-In: Slide In
Ring-Out: Roll Down
Taunts: 1.Taunt Powerful 2
2.Taunt Slamma
3.Batista 3
4.Undertaker 1
Strike Attacks: 1.Body Punch
2.Clothesline 2
3.Shuffle Side Kick (aka the "Bret Hart Crippling"-Move)
4.Elbow Smash 2
5.Boxing Hook Punch
Fists of Fury: 1st: Body Punch
2nd: Elbow Smash 2
3rd: Kick to Gut 2
Grapple Moves:
Quick: 1.European Uppercut
2.Fury Punch 3
3.Headlock TakeoverShoulder Thrust
4.Shoulder Thrust
1st Fight Style: 1.Powerbomb 4
2.Body Press Drop FW
3.Full Nelson Slam 1
4.Back Suplex 2
Ultimate Control 1: 1.Oklahoma
2nd Fight Style: 1.Choke 1
2.Suplex 5
3.Judo Hip Throw
4.Shuffle Side Kick 4
Ultimate Control 2: 1.Suplex
Grapple from Behind: 1.Bulldog 5
2.Back Suplex 4
3.Forearm Smash
4.Russian Leg Sweep 2
Strike Attacks: 1.Wrestling Hero Stomp
2.Wrestling Hero Stomp
3.Wrestling Hero Stomp
Grapple Moves: Upper 1.Rear Naked Choke
Upper 2.SS Bow & Arrow
Upper 3.Elbow Drop 13
Lower 1.Knee Smash 2
Lower 2.Toss 2
Lower 3.Running Kick
Strike Attacks: 1.Running Shoulder Attack 1
2.Running Shoulder Attack 1
Sit:Knee Attack 1
Grapple Moves: 1.Superplex
2.Turnbuckle Body Strike
4.Clothesline 25
Grapple from Behind: 1.Super Back Suplex
2.Forearm to back
3.Super Tornadobomb
4.Toss into Ring Post
Sitting Corner Grapple: 1.Alley Oop 1
Groggy Against Ropes: 1.Big Boot 3
Rebound Attack: N/A
Standing Outside ring attacks: 1.Vaulting Body Press 2
Diving Outside Ring Attacks: N/A
Diving Attack vs. Standing Opp.: 1.Diving Spear
2.Flying Clothesline
Diving Attack vs. Downed Opp.: 1.Knee Drop 1
2.Knee Drop 1
Running Strikes: 1.Shoulder Block 2
2.Clothesline 6
Running Grapple: 1.Shuffle Side Kick 4
2.Spear 3
Grapple from Behind: 1.Triple H Low Kick
2.Bulldog 5
Down Attack: 1.Elbow Drop 4
2.Running Leg Drop
Counter Attack: 1.Free Fall Drop
2.Hip Toss 3
Standing Tag Team: 1.Punches & Full Nelson
2.Double Beat Head
3.German Suplex & STO
4.Double Suplex
Corner Tag Team: 1.Side Walk & Reverse DDT
2.Kick to Gut 1
3.Powerbomb 6
4.Facebuster 4
1. Suplex Pin (If you want the "Jackhammer" without a pin choose Dead Level)
2. Spear 4
1st: Powerhouse
2st: Technical
Standart action:
Ring-In: Jumping 1
Ring-Out: Quick Ring out
Taunts: Powerful 4, Powerful 3, Taun Sit down, Powerful 4
Strike attacks:
Snap jab 1, Toe kick 1,Clothesline 2, Double axe handle 1, Body punch.
Grapple Moves:
Quick:Shoulder thrust, Leg trip, Back chop 5, European uppercut
1st. Fight Style: Backbreaker 4, Belly to belly 3, Military press, Repeating Powerbomb
1st UT: Backbreaker
2st Fight style: German suplex 2, Neck lock suplex , Double arm suplex, Side slam 1
2st UT: Lif Up
Grapple from behind:
German suplex 4, Russian Leg sweep 2, Back side slam 2, Back suplex 4.
Strike attacks:
Angry stomp, elbow drop 1, wrelstling hero stomp.
Upper: Finishing leg drop, Powerful raise, SS Dragon Sleeper
Lower:Belly stomp, SS Boston Craw, Back suple 8
Strike atacks:
Turnbuckle Clothesline 2, Running shoulder attack, Knee attack
Grapple moves:
Back elbow strike, Knee strike, superplex, Clothesline 25
Grapple from behind:
Super back suplex,Rebound suplex, Super tornadobomb, Forearm to back.
Sitting corner grapple: Stomping mudhole.
Grrogy against rope: Sligshot suplex.
Rebound attack: N/A
Standing outside ring attack: Vaulting body press.
Diving outside ring attacks: N/A
Diving attack vs. standing opp.:
Flying clothesline 2, Double axe handle 3
Diving attack vs. Downed opp.:
Diving elbow drop x2
Strike attacks:
Shoulder block 2, clothesline 12.
Running grapple:
Running STO, Neckbreacker Drop
Running grapple from behind:
German suplex 6, Bulldog 5.
Crouching attack:
Double axe handle 4, elbow drop 4.
Counter attack:
Belly to belly 3,Back body drop.
Standing tag team:
Double suplex, German suplex & STO, Double clothesline, Double Beat head.
Corner tag team:
Gut crusher, Double stomping, Super double powerbomb 2,Double stomping.
Cyclone 1 x2 (F5)
Fighting Style:
1st: Technical
2nd: Brawler
Standard Actions:
Ring-In: Slide-In
Ring-Out: Normal
Taunts: Undertaker 3, CM Punk 4, Taunt Beat Chest (For his chest beating taunt he did), CM Punk 4
Strike Attacks:Snap Jab 2, Clothesline 3, Back Chop 3, Enzuigiri, Snap Jab 2
Fists Of Fury:Snap Jab 2, Snap Jab 2, Back Chop 3
Grapple Moves:
- Quick:Leg Whip, Back Chop 5, Headlock Takeover, Wrist & Arm Wrench
- 1st Fight Style:Suplex 4, Northern Lights Suplex 1, German Suplex 3, Dragon Screw
- Ultimate Control 1: DDT
- 2nd Fight Style: Backbreaker 5, Headbutt 2, Snapmare & Dropkick 1, Clothesline 22
- Ultimate Control 2: Suplex
Grapple from behind: German Suplex Pin 2, Forearm Smash, German Suplex 4, Elbow To Back Of Head
Strike Attacks: Wrestling Hero Stomp, Wrestling Hero Stomp, Elbow Drop 1
Grapple Moves:Back Chop 6, SS Bow & Arrow, Knee Drop 2, Belly Stomp, Stomping Combo, Knee Smash 1
Strike Attacks: Turnbuckle Clothesline 2x, Knee Attack 1
Grapple Moves: Clothesline 25, Big Back Chop, Superplex, Big Back Chop
Grapple from behind: Super Back Suplex, Forearm To Back, Rebound Suplex, Toss Into Ring Post
Sitting Corner Grapple: Stomping Mudhole
Groggy against ropes: Running Knee Strike 1
Standing outside ring attacks: Vaulting Body Press 2
Diving Outside Ring Attacks: Dive Through Ropes
Diving Attack vs. Standing Opp.: Missile Dropkick, Double Axe Handle 3
Diving Attack vs. Downed Opp.: Diving Elbow Drop, Diving Elbow
Running Strikes: Clothesline 7, Kitchen Sink
Running Grapple: Neckbreaker 10, School Boy Pin 2
Grapple from behind: German Suplex 6 (2x)
Down Attack: Elbow Drop 4, Dropkick To Knee 3
Counter Attack: German Suplex 7, Drop Toe Hold
Tag Team:
Standing Tag Team: Double DDT, Double Clothesline, Double Suplex, Double Punches 2
Corner Tag Team: Whip & Lay Down, Double Stomping, Body Splash & Whip, Kick To Gut 1
SS Sharpshooter
Umaga Headbutt
죄송..해요.. filter로 검색량을 줄이고 줄이고 줄였지만.. 너무 많아서.. 나머지는 못찾았어요..(사실 귀찮음이..)
입장할때 나오는 동영상은.. 제가 좋아하는 goldberg 만..
Motion:Triple H D-X
Lighting:Superstar 05 and 06 (throughout)
Motion:Triple H
Name Plate: When he stops
Fireworks:Stage 1 (When nameplate goes)
Camera:12 (Straight away),4 (Fireworks stop)
Fireworks:2 (Straight away)
Camera:11(Straight away),2 (5 seconds from start),3 (When he lets go of fist)
Motion:Superstar 3 (Booker T)
Camera:1 (Straight away)
Camera:1 (straight away), 10 (roughly 3 seconds after start)
Champion:Entrance: Snitsky, Superstar 07 or Superstar 01 all works
Movie:WWE Logo or WWE Legend
Music:Masters or if you have 360 then WCW theme.
WCW theme > WWE theme
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